Wednesday, July 26, 2006

exploiting potential

I was going through website and on the primary school section, came across the picture of one of the chics I had a crush on. Apparently she's in the States, still in campo. Looking at the picture makes me wonder what might have been. Wait, I still wonder about what might have been with too many chics who've traversed my inner space.

I was at French cultural centre last Saturday, went to watch a play by Heartstring Ensemble titled ' How the other half lives'. As always, Heartstring delivered with the play, sold out, which was a jaw splitting comedy of 3 couples and issues of infidelity and sorting out other people's domestics highlighted. It was interesting that I went for this play alone. It seems the law says that the animals in the ark go in two by two. I met several people and was being introduced to the other half. Walking out of the auditorium alone was especially difficult as everyone can see that you are solo unlike them, and you know that you can't ingilia other couple's vibe, especially at the end of the play (8.30 p.m.). But I'll stay strong, coz singlehood is my style. Can't fall now, can I?

Finally finished my Finance Division rotation at work. There was a stakeholders meeting today to discuss the contents of the project I was working on. No praise headed my way, considering I'd put in nights and weekends (including a Sunday), but actually extra work, which I politely turned down owing to the program timetable.

I'd been a consultant for the last 2 weeks as people tried to figure out how to join the program I'm in. The final interviews were conducted yesterday, with the applicants going through hurdles just to get there. The intake is set for September, hope we pioneers will still retain our aura of importance.

I volunteer for a program called Junior Achievement at Nairobi school, which involves helping the said club to form an actual company, run it profitably and liquidate it. While I was handed 3 lovely ladies from our company to assist, sad to say they have never gotten up to the challenge and more often than not, I've been running the show by myself. This hasn't been so bad since I've gotten to learn a lot in terms of enterpreneurship and last week, a guest speaker invited to address the club was the MD of the CDSC. I got to speak with him at the end of the event, told him of a business idea I had concerning stock trading, he gave me a lift back to work and his business card and told me I could contact him anytime concerning the idea. Now I've set myself a deadline of 3 months to make the idea a reality.

This is totally freaky. I updated my phone number this morning when on my profile, then right now 1.55 pm, I get a text from a chic who was in the same primo but moved to states and we'd emailed a bit earlier this year (not the one I had a crush on), saying that she's in the country for 2 weeks on hols. She got my number from the site!!! Call that coincidence, luck or what??? We hook up kesho lunchtime, this will definately be interesting.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

HE just keeps on getting better and better

Hey good people
The sun's out after many days in hiding and the past few days have been rather pleasant. Apparently I came across the Meteorological guys on tv, a couple days ago, saying that the cold weather would end, and as always these people are unbelievable. But funny enough they were kind of right.

Why the title? Consider this, I thought I bought HFCK shares at 33/- (refer to some previous post). When I sold my Kengen shares at 39/- (327% increase), I got my shares statement. Apparently, the HFCK shares were bought for 26.50/- meaning that since they have closed today at 30/- I'm no longer in the red ( the fly chic was actually right!!!). HFCK are announcing their half year results 2 fridays from now, and have stated that they expect good results (consider they made profit of 300 mil in the 1st quarter). I plan to sell them just as they announce which should be a good peak. For now, I'm looking at the ScanGroup IPO plus also Sameer Africa which is quite low at 17/- but I bet prospects are good for capital gains even as we enter earnings season. Then, I usually hang out with a crew called The Journey, who run a rock gig every Friday at Ufungamano auditorium. The group targets campuserians, with nice music and interactive discussions. Friday, they set up a surprise birthday bash for me, cake and song. I was too jazzed. Yaani, after a less than eventful birthday, that was really special. Yaani maisha is too cool considering the wealth (money + friends), but I always figure God likes me too much. I don't deserve His goodness, but when stuff is sawa, it is SAWA. One love for life, Lord.

Social, well I accepted an ice cream date with ex version 2.0 (1st time in 2yrs since she left me) on Sunday but this didn't go well. Considering we didn't have closure following the fallout, vibe was mzuri when we talked about corporate stuff, but when the social vibe came, I clamped shut. I couldn't get myself to open up, having buried all the hurt and pain inside. So we ended up in a stalemate. I haven't replied her text or email sent soon after. I can't say I feel good about it, but considering what I went through, I feel separation is probably the safest mode of contact for now...

Jana I made up with this chic who we hadn't been seeing eye to eye on stuff. It had been bugging me for a while, then we got a lift home pamoja, so sitting at the back seat, we got to vibe and I got to apologize (obviously it was me on the wrong with my attitude issues), and that felt really good. I wish that could be the same with all the chics in my life...

My mom finally departed for Sudan, a 3 day journey by road. I got to know she's going to a town called Torit (just north of the Kenya & Uganda border & gratefully far from Darfur - see it in a map here) with her niece (who I got to meet that night with her family - what a close bunch of relatives we are) to set up hair products business + look for other opportunities. After saying goodbyes (and parting with my Kengen returns as investment in her business venture), I'm now saddled with the house responsibilities, ensuring that the bills are covered and groceries are in stock. My life as a kid is fast on its way to the finish line!!!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

26 and counting

Yesterday was the day I turned 26 (unlucky 13 * 2). No significance in terms of anything I should have achieved by then, but all the same giving thanks to God for another year, especially considering 1 year ago I was in campus in the middle of my final year exams, now I'm in my dream job in one of the top companies in the country. The day consisted of work, work and more work. At lunchtime, went to see my stock broker about the sale of my Kengen shares, and was told the cheque will be out on thursday. But my mom travels to Sudan on friday, so I had to organize a loan from a colleague. Left the office at 7.15, hooked up with a former campus mate in town for pizza. Reaching home, found out that my niece & sister had forgotten about the day!!! They'd confused it with my mom's birthday, which is today, and called her. This actually helped my mom remember that it was my birthday. If it wasn't for the many friends, including my other sis in SA, who remembered, it could have been nasty!!

Social scene is a bit crazy. Took out no 1 contender to a classy joint near digs for a couple glasses of red wine for birthday celebration(broke my 7 month sober streak in the process), then we hang out at my digs. It seems there might be some serious adjustments to status quo underway. Details at the moment are not available on this site unfortunately...

Financially, got a link to some interesting site called from ex-girlfriend version 2.0 (details also not available on this site). If you are investing in ScanGroup, it has a nice read here. I had a similar idea about such a site, but it seems someone beat me to it. But I'm not impressed coz it doesn't have any analysis on stock trends, having just pasted figures from the nse site. I put up a post on their public discussion board under the cover mwasjd. (See it here)

As far as work goes, had the annual appraisal with the bo$$, and I hope he $ee$ thing$ my way, come end of next month. The company has put up the ad for our jobs here, and it's kinda sad since I'm in the pioneer program, which got most guys in the company showing you respect. Now with more people on the way, our elite status looks set to be watered down. Well, I enjoyed it while it lasted. The boss gave us the assignment of setting 3 questions for their interview. I went for simple stuff, but my colleagues have gone ballistic, coming up with logic puzzles that would put a nuclear physicist to tears.

Speaking of questions, check out another use for your mobile phone here. I wonder if this will make you reconsider making calls after this.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

(UN)Lucky 13

It's my thirteenth consecutive day at work, still working on some reconciliation project for accounts section of the company. Sadly, I don't feel the appreciation, but company policy is that 'we don't reward effort, only results'. Well the annual appraisal is this coming week and since the boss saw me leaving the office at 7.30 pm a few days ago, hoping that I'll get a raise that reflects the effort. Above all, I love my job and give thanks to God daily for it, it's my dream job.

As for world cup, no much enthusiasm from my side, maybe coz the african teams are out and european teams are winning, but more so coz I lost psyche following end of my campus life, where having a soccer following was primary. Things in the working world are somewhat different, people have other concerns, like money and relationships.

Social scene is awful, I guess if you wish for something, it comes true. How (un)lucky is that. Now, no chics in the scene, the no. 1 contender went silent so the winter weather is not only on the outside but inside as well!!!

Interesting news story I've been following is on one Warren Buffet, the jamaa who made his fortune from stock trading (why do you think I do it?) and has just relinquished his no 2 position as richest man, by donating some $37 billion to the foundation owned by no 1 richest man, Bill Gates. You can read the actual letters he wrote for relinquishing his wealth here. Lunch with Buffet was on offer on Ebay for some $600 k. Check this opinion on Bill Gates foundation. My opinion, the spiritual law of giving is as real as the natural law of gravity. It's proven that if you give, you get. As for motives and use, I guess God will be the judge of that. For all my friends, just make sure you have a foundation in the offing, it could be you who'll share my wealth. I'll sign off with the words of Jesus Christ in Luke 16:9 - Use earthly money to make friends, when it is all gone, you will be welcomed into their eternal homes.