Tuesday, July 05, 2011

It's been a while...

Hey good people,

Sorry for the many months. Yaani, all those lost ideas!! I will regret. So what have I been up to? Here is in reverse chronological order:

Ruracio - my time:

Finally acquired my beautiful Nandi bride last Friday for the pricey sum of 5 cows and 1 ewe. Pricey coz they quoted for us 120k a piece, while ng'ombe za Mt Kenya ni 35k. They actually made us read Genesis 34:12 in English and Swahili to funga us completely. We finally settled (actually they refused to budge) at 80k - quite a bargain considering she's priceless :-) Wonder if clearing this debt will enhance my credit rating...


Decided to go the mortgage way, took a 6% company facility on a 2 bdr apartment east of JKIA. Was informed of the legal fees, but when they hit you, they hit you hard. Yaani I pay the bank's lawyers, the vendor's lawyers and my lawyers!! And serikali still takes 4% stamp duty and other charges kama valuation etc. Kweli, building your own house is far more affordable. However, there's better likelihood of future rental income from an apartment...


Year two of MBA. Almost there, however the week shilling (UK degree) is hurting me kabisa...


Registered an ICT company in Kenya. Used a registrar, but still experienced the government bureaucracy. Took over 2 weeks. Clearly ICT needed in serikali...

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At 7/08/2011 3:12 pm , Anonymous sambaza said...

Hey dude!Usipotee hivyo. Mpaka i thought my RSS was broken....

At 7/09/2011 12:58 pm , Blogger mwasjd said...

Pole jo! Will get my act together...

At 7/17/2011 5:49 am , Blogger Ali :D said...

this is a reallly great blog! You seem like a nice man. :)

At 12/16/2011 11:01 am , Blogger SMEBANKRUPTCY said...

Pay it off fast!!! That's all I'll say. Don't be subject to the ......

God bless you!!!

At 3/28/2012 12:46 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great man, hii mambo ya nyumba ndiyo mimi nataka jua ...

At 7/07/2016 1:55 am , Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 8/03/2016 8:16 am , Blogger Unknown said...

We all love children. Child is the best in this world, we all love our sons and daughters, but sometimes some parents want to make children as geniuos like this child. https://tuko.co.ke/163734-19-months-old-baby-reads-counts-50-see-mother-attained-results.html this baby is only 1,5 years (19 months) and it can count and read over 300 words. I think our children are children, we must not to destroy their childhood.

At 10/25/2016 10:41 am , Blogger Unknown said...

I believe that what you do is incredible. But what would you say about this? https://tuko.co.ke/219963-young-boys-umoja-nairobi-return-home-pus-oozing-penises-parents-a-shocking-r.html A woman raping children. Can she own forgiveness for what she has done?

At 6/30/2017 12:10 pm , Anonymous dojuma said...

Thanks for the great blog.


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