Shifting house
The highlight of an eventful week ended with us (Me + part of the family I live with) moving out from the upmarket side of town that I'd called home for the last 3 years to middle class side (with up market finishing). The fact that my sis is owning rather than renting means that the change is definately better for all, most of all me who is free loading, since it means I do it with a clearer conscience. I'm definately looking forward to meeting a few beautiful neighbours...
Of course the subject of my own moving out has come up in discussion severally. My opinion is that I still don't see the need, and being single, there's virtually no pressure (or is that the reason why...). The cash for rent can be used elsewhere (read spoilt kid) and I'm sort of useful to my sis (a few errands here and there). So for now, I'll stick it out and make the most of it. Speaking of which, it seems we've been eating only chicken and surprisingly fish the last week or so, and it's not only us but even workmates. Makes you wonder if we are all paranoid or just making sure that we are safe.This week saw an interesting scene in my life. A pal of old times contacted me about needing help writing a business plan for an idea she has. I was meant to meet her in her office in town. Turns out the 'office' is a VCT centre (I never saw that one coming)!! Of course, this accorded me the opportunity to ask the kind of questions one always wanted to know from these guys i.e. is AIDS real, does donor support pay well, what is the reaction when the people coming in are jamaas you know (especially teenagers) as well as the reaction when you meet the clients in the streets? One interesting thing she told me was that usually for couples who want to take the AIDS test, the individuals go separately first to check their status, then come as couple, denying vehemently that they have been there before! Talk about trust!!!
Labels: AIDS, moving house