Young Kenyan Man in the U.S.A.
A massive 3 months of blogger's block finally comes to an end. I've touched down in Obama's land, Dallas Texas to be exact. The nice people at the US Embassy decided that I've earned the right to visit my sister and in-laws during my annual leave. (Scheduling the visa interview on the day of the inauguration found the people on a good mood). So for the next 4 weeks, it will be all about gaining weight, meeting friends from way back and generally forgetting about unga and other issues back home.
So what has changed?
I have dreadlocks: Finally, parents, teachers, lecturers and management out of the way, I've done one thing that I'd wanted to for a long time. Must admit, the attention is overwhelming, but maintaining the look is demanding. Why do chics go through all that trouble for dudes who most often than not will not notice your new hairdo?Can you spot the black worms crawling all over my head???
I'm still single: Despite all the hulabaloo of the last post, kimeumana. Nothing happening in that direction. Guess this place will provide some necessary distraction.
I can spend: It seems that my aversion to spending money on myself has been subdued. Paying for an overseas holiday is no small feat, despite booking the cheapest mid-week return flights on BA. And now, trying to figure how to go for San Diego Sevens means that tukirudi nyumbani, we'll be starting from scratch.
But life ni fupi, so let's see how the holiday goes. Anywhere far away from stress of work is good enough for me.