the single rose theory

Over the last one month, I've had two interesting experience that has got me perturbed. It was coincidental, I got a yellow rose from someone who was setting up decor in church one sato afte and was told to give it to someone special. The other time, was last sato when I attended a pal's wedding and picked up a pink rose from the decor on my way to hook up with my advocate pal (refer to last post), to verify if the effect of the first rose was the same.
The reason I say this was that the kind of looks I got from ladies. Now I'm not the entire TDH package (T - not short but not tall either, D - I'm chocolate so that's halfway, H - Relative, depends if I shave and get the clad combination right else I'm ok) so ladies don't pay attention when I'm on show, but the effect of a single rose is amazing!!! The first one I was actually in shorts and open sandals, strolling through town and almost all the ladies looked at the rose, looked at me, back at the rose, and looked away when I looked at their eyes.
Both ladies who got the roses were plesantly surprised (these are pals, period) and especially for the latter who helped me with the 'experiment'. We'd analyze the looks, this time lady looks at the rose, my pal, me, then looks away. I wonder, what exactly goes on through their minds when a guy is carring a single rose? What if I saw them staring and decided to make conversation. Would they talk to a stranger because of a single rose that intrigues them? Agur wrote that: "There are three things which are too amazing for me, four which I don't understand: The way of an eagle in the air; the way of a serpent on a rock; the way of a ship in the midst of the sea; and the way of a man with a maiden." A site here has a take on the single rose.
Wedding season is alive and kicking and my week is sandwitched between 2, last sato a pal, and this sato a workmate. The pal is son to a family friend, so my mom made me attend. It came as a great surprise that my mom's pals are of the opinion that I should be on the way now that ' nani amefungua njia.' (These words unfortunately return to haunt me when I quoted them when asked to speak on behalf of 'watu kutoka nairobi' earlier in the year when my former campus mate had her traditional Kalenjin bride price paying ceremony - which is actually bigger than the actual wedding that took place later). In defence, I started counting for them the years that I still need i.e. 3 for the job trainee contract to isha, 2 for Masters abroad, 1 to settle back, 1 to look...) = 10!! They were not amused...
'Nani amefungua njia' is a phrase I've been hearing more than I care to lately. Peeps (read:folks and so-called-well-meaning relas) shd jus let everyone take their time. Haven't they heard the adage 'marry at haste repent in leisure'? LOL.
JK: I figure for their age, weddings are the only haree on offer so the many you attend, the more 'life' you are living. They don't really have you in consideration...
when a man gets a rose for a chile, it generally means he has gone out of his way to be thoughtful. Its funny, but apart from my famo,(not counting during mourning, and visits to hosi) I have got flowers from only two guys, coincidentally, one I was in love with years ago, and one I am in love with :).
Thanks for visiting. Wow, at least you've got thoughtful people in your life. In my case it isn't the thoughtful nature, rather opportunity and experimental situations. But I figure it's something special, not to be misused...
do i know you? My lifes other goal is to traumatize my relas by tellign them that i have yes like you 10 more years to go which drives thm up the wall LOL. Being december you can imagine same query same cast same answer watazoea.
Roses am not keen on flowers would raher forego a bouquet of roses for one tulip. I think roses are pretentious.
Enjoy the weekend
Traumatize your relaz! LOL! I figure it must get to you time in time out that they are on your case regarding marriage. I, on the other hand, am surprised that my time has come. I think they are jumping the gun, or are bila anything to vibe about.
I'm a jamaa so roses, tulips all look the same to me. But thanks for the tip, will ask for tulips next time.
er...waambie you have a timetable. this thing of moving with the expected schedule, makes people marry strangers and end up living the rest of their lives regretting!
GOOD THING YOU TOLD THEM YOU HAVE A TIMETABLE. or else, you will be told; when to have babies, when to visit xyz, when to,,,
Thanks for visiting, glad you are ok. As for your advice, well taken. I'm not about to put myself in a joyless prison to satisfy the masses. I'll be myself and be happy, according to the time table...
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