Community awareness
I recently joined the Kenyan community of bloggers. This has opened my eyes to other bloggers and it's an interesting bunch of people. You get to see that people are so different yet are brought together by strange things in life. Will I plug in and be part of the crew, which is a tight knit community that loves drinks and hang out? Time will tell.
We got our payslips which came together with results from our annual appraisal. Since this was my first time, I didn't put too much maana into the whole thing, as in appraisal reminds me of assessment in campus (i don't like rules). The process is usually a self appraisal, then discuss it with your boss, who gives his views and you ammend according to how you agree. Apparently, I self appraised myself lower than my colleagues, and guess what, I got the lowest pay rise in the gang, and now I'm the least paid in our crew. That isn't amusing at all!!!! I'm kicking myself inside while putting a brave face outside, coz hey after tax, the jamaas I joined with only earn a couple of reds higher than me every month. But still it hurts (how could you be so stupid?).
On a better note, last week, the Finance Division celebrated the monthly birthdays, and one of my colleagues had slipped my name in. It was nice seeing it imprinted on a humongous chocolate cake, and have guys singing 'Happy Birthday colleagues'. That was fun. Then, I got selected to go for the next team building exercise for technical division which will be at Simba Lodge, Lake Naivasha in 2 weeks time. Considering the fun I had last time, I'm definately looking forward to this one. As for work, we are currently working on our individual projects to finish the Finance Division rotation, whose presentations will be tomorrow afternoon. Our boss is out of the country but apparently the chief finance officer will be in attendance, so I look forward to making a good impression. Then my first experience of leave, next Monday to Friday, 5 days of chilling out.
Spiritual, finally got hooked up to an ekklesia. Which actually stands for a small fellowship or home group organized by the church I attend (though the internet has different outlook, see here and here). We had a meeting to plan who would lead the group plus hosting. All the people in attendance (5) had their own cars, save for me. And since the host lives far from digs, I'll be hitching a ride throughout back home, which isn't jazzing at first but what to do. Our first meeting in the host's place will be this Thursday, which I hope will be the start of another opportunity to grow and mature in the Christian faith.
Financially, I'd invested 10k in a wheat project some months back, and when I met my pal who was running the thing, she told me that the stuff had just been harvested, bumper harvest, so I should set up a meeting. I can't wait, hoping that the returns are substantial. HFCK stock is stable at 30 bob and I'm resisting attempts to cash in on a 15% capital gain. I couldn't invest in Scangroup coz of some family issues. Oh the joys of being a grown up! My mom finally got in touch, thank God. She toured all over South Sudan, sold most of the stuff they'd carried, but she says business is too much stress so she's gonna look for employment which is easier. She's back in Kenya, but will only stay a bit. I get to redo her CV and hope for the best.

Oh yes, and the chic from states who said we hook up, STOOD ME UP! Yaani, sad. Ati she'd forgotten about it and was going ocha, then flying back the same night. Of all the luck!!!!
As always your blogs make me feel 'umetuacha' i.e maishawise.But i think you deserve the blessings coming your way.I used to admire your faith in God na psyche yako ya maombi.Now i know there is a whole lot of truth in the verse that says 'seek me and i'll give you all the desires of your heart'
hey and id like to welcome u to the KBW as well
personally i just got into this whole share business.wit kengen and scanad...i had sike for equity id had they were 5bob kumbe it 70...
I am sure you will have your raise coming to you in due time!When I saw the word ekklesia I knew you must have been a Nairobi Chapel refugee.I used to go there sometime back but I moved on and left the country.
You have a nice blog so far, Welcome to KBW!
anonymous 1:
congrats for discovering the comments link. Does the term 'You used to admire' mean that things have changed now that you discovered the real me in the blog?
couch 'tato:
Welcome to the share's biz, though I must admit I'm also a newbe. Equity is still a good buy for long term but 70 is a serious investment, I agree.
Interesting meeting a Nairobi Chapelite this way. Thanks for the sentiments. As for the raise part, it was something small.
anonymous 2:
I'm not sure I'd be the best person to help you earn some money, but hey thanks for the tip
hope scan ad pulls thru..them equity shares at 70 so high i might as well buy more kengen but equity is still a good buy
LOL at 2nd anon thats a spam comment you should activate your spam blocker
Karibu sana...I have a welcome for u at my blog!
Welcome to KBW.. GBU big time. I've so many friends, pastors @ mamlaka..
HFCK - i'm still debating if i should sell. I got it at 23. So selling anytime would be good.
I'm waiting to see the scangroup allocations (and how i wish i could apply for like x10 of what i did).
Equity @ 70 is kinda high. It's long term. And question is whether the guys holding those shares are willing to let them go at that price or will hold on to them. Supply and Demand.
Sasa for that appraisal - the next one just ensure that you show that u have worked 3 times as hard :)
Alpha Quadrangle
Thanks for the welcome. I actually got the stock ticker idea thing from your blog. Guess you are some inspiration. Mamlaka is timamu.
Word is out that Scangroup is oversubscribed, that means definately price gain. Long term prospects for Equity are good, coz of their target market of small biz pple, despite the 70/- price. HFCK were meant to release half year profit figures, I'm thinking that would be the time to sell coz their numbers will be good, and institutional investors will want to buy.
As for appraisal, I'll definately get my game right 12 months from now.
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