Saturday, December 08, 2007


It's been quite a LONG while since I felt like this in my left side of my chest. And since this feeling isn't going away, I've had to disclose the condition to my close circle with a view of getting their thoughts on what I should do about it.

We met last year at the Village Market bowling alley, taking part in a CSR event. For both of us, it was our first time to attempt the sport. But since I've watched too much tv from childhood, it was easier for me to catch the ropes and then show her from very close proximity on how it's done.

This year, we worked on the same CSR project and that meant a lot of time together particularly in the last 3 months when the project needed the most attention. Of course this brought opportunity to know each other better since conversation drifts from the project to work, life and personal opinions.

And then the feeling started...

Sikuli, silali etc etc

Consultations are currently on going with the advisory circle in my life as to how you tell someone that you are attracted to them and you want them to become more than just a colleague in a CSR project. My pals say I should just say it (whatever comes out) ASAP and get it over and done with. I ask how (never good at this thing) and then what? But can't win the lottery unless I buy a ticket ama?

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At 12/08/2007 11:29 pm , Blogger Acolyte said...

All the best and dont get your heart broken!

At 12/08/2007 11:44 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you never know...perhaps she is feeling the same way too!!

At 12/10/2007 1:45 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Luck!! Just let her know how u really feel about her

At 12/11/2007 9:10 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

whatever happened to the slow steps that involve socialising out of work? Get day trip some distance away from Nai to see flamingoes or something...carry food in your car...more chances for her to open up and for you to read her body language. I think this prevents you from bearing your heart out and getting the boot.

At 12/15/2007 3:19 pm , Blogger mwasjd said...

Thanks. But isn't it easier for me not to tell her so that my heart isn't broken?

True, true.

Cheers! How I REALLY feel is kinda ngumu to express

Apparently you got all the creative mojo in our family. I'm more logic configured, simple and efficient.

At 12/15/2007 7:43 pm , Blogger Farmgal said...

maybe she's feeling you too..take a risk!

At 12/19/2007 3:47 pm , Blogger mwasjd said...

I've taken the risk, and seems that she didn't see that coming, was quite a shock.

At 12/19/2007 10:41 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo bro...dont move 2fast or she will think u desperate...jus send her sm flowes over the wkend nothing fancy wid a small card..""enjoy ur wkend or thinking abt u".....that will open ger luck

At 12/22/2007 9:40 am , Blogger mwasjd said...

Eeeh flowers and gifts? I think that's too forward for my personality. I'd give them out with no strings attached. But this is different. I figure words are enough, but let's wait for the outcome. Cheers!


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