Saturday, December 15, 2007

Saying it like it is

After taking into account the advice of mafans, I told her how I felt jana evening.

Now we wait...

Point to reflect:
As I fikad digs that evening, I noticed the moon has a big grin...

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At 12/17/2007 9:08 pm , Blogger Farmgal said...

How's the waiting?

At 12/17/2007 10:29 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

waiting for? there was no instant response?

At 12/18/2007 3:00 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

eh? i also ask like aegeus, first reaction was? you can always kinda tell.

At 12/19/2007 3:53 pm , Blogger mwasjd said...

The waiting is stress free. I'm relieved to have gotten it off my chest, and no worries about what the outcome will be.

This isn't instant coffee. I just told her how I felt. I didn't ask her to respond, and she didn't actually...

First reaction was that she was shocked. She didn't see that coming a long way off and didn't know what to say. I don't know what to tell from that.

At 12/21/2007 10:58 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, every situation is different. I once told a girl that I had STRONG feelings for her. She kept quiet for a WEEK. Damn longest week I have ever waited.

Now she is my wife.

Moral: You never know.

At 12/22/2007 9:36 am , Blogger mwasjd said...

It's been 8 days, no response. But your story has brought a big smile to my face. Thanks.

At 2/11/2008 10:11 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hop its paid of since we talked last. lyfs a gumble

At 3/01/2008 3:26 pm , Blogger mwasjd said...

Mse, bado iko jikoni. I'll definately let you know ikiiva.

At 3/03/2008 8:25 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what was the response? Esp after her foray into your inner world via facebook/blog?

At 3/04/2008 10:23 pm , Blogger mwasjd said...

Found your comment! Still on ice but will definately keep you posted on developments.


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