Book Update
Hi good people. After the shocking revelations about the social scene have rocked the hallowed view that my pals have had, time to switch to a more polite view. My yearly target of 12 books in a year is progressing vizuri. I'm at number 4 currently and so far it's timamu.Soul Survivor by Philip Yancey was the 2nd book, and it's a fantastic novel for guys who feel like the Christian religion is full of hypocrites and so they are less likely to join the band wagon. Actually, it chronicles this guy's journey of faith by looking at people who are actually living out their faith, with the struggles that goes with it and being real all the way. It includes looking at Martin Luther King Jr, Mahatma Gandhi, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky among others. With a title like "How my faith survived the church" no words needed...
The 5 People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom was my next book and it is a wonderful story. Yaani, if you want a creative thought on afterlife, this book is just for you. The concept is so sawa, that you'll meet 5 guys from your past life who will explain stuff that happened to you so that you can see the big picture (which is hard from down here). Being just an imagination (and the writer emphasizes that), the book is quite stirring, and makes for a better appreciation of some of life's happenings.
I'm currently reading The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch, and it is quite challenging since it questions the need to waste resources on anything. Already I'm starting to analyze the things I do in life with a view of getting the maximum of outputs from the minimum of inputs. How practicable the concept is subject to question, but the stats show that it is real. I highly recommend for anyone seeking to make headway in the corporate arena (I know I am).
Be intelectually stimulated this week...
Labels: book review
lovely books you are reading! please send a review to Bookworms (shamelessly soliciting)
Hi, Sorry to contact you via the comments page, but I'm the Nairobi-based correspondent for McClatchy Newspapers, a chain of 31 newspapers in the US. I'm working on a story about blogging in Kenya and was hoping you'd be willing to speak with me. You can contact me at Thanks, Shashank Bengali, McClatchy Newspapers.
@Half *2
I've been a bit busy but will definately do that for you.
I'll definately get in touch with you.
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