Thursday, April 19, 2007

Technology dependence

Most of us know that feeling, you've lost your phone (actually you've handed it over to someone else unwillingly or unknowingly). Usually in this day and age, sim replacement is free and a low end phone can be acquired as fast as your dependence on a mobile device. The issue now comes as to how to recover and input your lost phone contacts. For me, I've like 3 sim cards, all of which have most of my important contacts. But all of them aren't updated and there are some pretty important contacts which I've recently updated. But for others, it's usually starting from scratch, using family, workmates and friends to get the regular contacts. But what about the clandes, chance meetings and unique people/business partners?

Now, I came across an interesting website. It's called For those of you with middle - high end handsets and GPRS set up, this site enables you to back up your phonebook, calendar, notes and even sms.

The set up is pretty simple, the system works by synchronizing the data from your phone with than on an online server. The handset should have some form of synchronization system, and it's a breeze setting up from this site. The only shida comes in restoring contacts, because one has to log in to the web account, back up the saved phone book and then synchronize again.

Other sites that offer a similar service include zyb and gsmsync. Tried them out, some a bit difficult to configure, but all in all a pretty decent way to save your phone book contacts on the net, that way you can recover them wherever in the world there is internet access.

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At 4/20/2007 9:41 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got a Mobical and a Zyb account, where Zyb thends to the best option.

At 4/23/2007 4:06 pm , Blogger blaise1 said...

ZYB and mobical works perfect. Do u have any idea about another such service, Mobyko. I heard they are not yet global.

At 4/23/2007 4:44 pm , Blogger mwasjd said...

Zyb gets my vote as far as looks are concerned. The nice curves (mac style) are superb. But I didn't find the option for over the air settings, had to go manual...

Mobyko is only limited to certain countries i.e. Brazil, Denmark, Finland, France, UK, Ireland, NZ, Norway & Sweden. I'm Kenyan (clearly) so I'm not being helped.

At 4/25/2007 9:17 am , Blogger Jadekitten said...


will check them out ASAP :-)

At 4/25/2007 7:41 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like Mobyko are expanding their service to include more countries. You can also save texts, photos and videos on their site. Works great for me!

At 4/27/2007 6:44 pm , Blogger pesa tu said...

Oce u own a phone the main thing is to always back-up your contacts.I have a MOTOrola so i hook it up to my comp and save the contacts.

At 4/28/2007 12:56 pm , Blogger mwasjd said...

Try it out. It's a real life saver, when you lose your phone.


Lucky that you get to even save videos online. Hope Mobyko signs up Kenya soon

@pesa tu
That's the simplest of back ups, but if you can't access your comp, then doesn't saidia much. Online backup can be retrieved from anywhere


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